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Here's a little Ramadan Activity for you and your kids

 Activity age recommendation: 5-8 years old We often heard about the Quran Revelation Day; the first surah recited to our Prophet Muhammad pbuh, Iqra'.  Currently my daughter (Arissa is 7 this year and it is her first year in Year 1) is struggling to go to school after being at home for almost 18 months. We have been homeschooling her during the pandemic (both my husband and I were working from home during that time too - we both had the privileged to homeschool her). She's having the withdrawal issue now and we are doing our best to help her through it. In the end of this activity, you'd see how we can encourage our kids to go to school if your kids are having the same issue like Arissa.  For the first infographic, you may talk about how our Prophet always keep himself away at Mount Hira'. He would adore all the creations - day, night, sun, moon, stars, the mountains and other creations of Allah. And one day on 15th Ramadan, Jibril came and said IQRA' (read) and Pr

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