Early education begins at home

Assalamualaikum and hello there :)

I sent my first child to an early learning center when she was 4 year-old. Some said it's too early while others think it was a perfect time to send her in. Why did we send her? First and foremost, she was the only child in the house back then. We could see she was really into school - she saw kids going to school in Upin & Ipin (a cartoon series in Malaysia) and my dad couldn't cope with her needs - playing barbie and pretend play stuff. Hehe.

So my husband and I thought, why don't we sign her up to an early learning center nearby with only one intention, for her to mingle around with other kids of the same age group. Everyday, I would see her in the evening after my working hours and she'd tell me everything about her day in school - what she learned, what she ate, whom she spoke to and many more. From there and the feedbacks from her teacher, we could see she managed to cope up with her surroundings very well. 

We noticed that she was able to adapt because we have prepared her earlier. She's able to talk about her experiments and other activities because she was exposed to most of the activities way earlier. We would then explain the theories behind all the things we did too - definitely according to her age. 

Nevertheless, we also encouraged her to speak up her mind in all the things we do at home including any tv shows we watched. 

Few months back, she suggested that I should start a blog (we have an Instagram account - we would upload photos and videos of our activities during those Covid days). She told me to share all the activities from World Continents, Math Worksheets, Islamic fun activities and many more. 

Hence we started this blog. We'd share all the fun science experiments, baking recipe, drawing and painting ideas, outdoor activities and many more! Can't wait to share all the things with you and your kids. It's time to get messy!


