Telling stories and let them do the same

Kids love colorful images and they love to hear stories especially by their parents. You may use these to develop their characters and encourage them to speak out their mind. Arissa loves to tell us a story about a baby dragon called Aritot (a fiction character she came out with) and Mommy Norod. In one of the stories, she said..

"Aritot would love to learn how to fly, so one day, she asked Mommy Norod to teach her how to fly. Mommy Norod agreed and took her to the nearby forest. There, Mommy Norod stood on a rock and flapped her wings. She flew into the sky. Aritot tried to do the same but, oh no, she could not fly. She cried. Mommy Norod came to give her a help. She took Aritot on her back and they flew together. While they were flying, Mommy Norod  told her not to be sad but Aritot must try harder to make it work! Aritot tried again, and oh no, a small fire came out from her mouth instead. They both laughed!"

Then I asked her, what happened to Aritot? 

Oh, she must try harder and do not give up.  

Here's an activity for your kids (Age recommendation: 3-5 years old). Feel free to print them out!
